Margaret Mead was a well known, appreciated and respected anthropologist in the 20th century. A quote attributed to her, that I heard years ago, has stuck with me.
We need this kind of inspiration and motivation now more than ever to usher in a new kind of society and culture that values all people. Where everyone’s children are safe. Where everyone has equal opportunity. Where everyone is valued and respected for just being themselves.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead
What will you do this year, before the November elections, to be a part of the “change you wish to see in the world?”
I keep saying to people, “Talk to the youth. Get them inspired to vote and to the polls this election season.”
It took seven (7) decades, yes I said SEVEN DECADES for the suffragettes to get the rights for women to vote. Seven decades. That is sobering.
Welcoming God
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Things move faster now, thank God. And, with care, consistency, clarity of mind, heart, body, soul and spirit, having meaningful conversations, and seeking to understand more than to be understood, we will create this new reality we all want to live in. One, where peace, liberty and justice really IS FOR ALL!
Questions for Contemplation:
What does this quote mean to you?
How does this quote inspire you?
Share your comments in the comments section below. I’d love to hear what you’re going to do this election season to be a part of the change you’re rooting for in our country and our cities and our world.
Lastly, thank you Margart Mead for inspiring us all these years later. Your work and your words are still making an impact! Now, let’s think of the impact we want to leave the world having made!
Like Jeff Walker says, “Let’s go get em’ this week!”
With Love.
Aloha Nui Loa,

p.s. Check out the original, inspiring music by Song Channel Music, that’s me, here.
p.p.s. Need more resources? Head over to the coaching page for ways you can continue your healing journey.